Leaner user profile

Leaner user profile 2023-08-03

Your gaming preferences are not part of the profile anymore. Furthermore you can now control who can see your real name and the place you provided in your privacy settings. What's new is that those can be public to make it easier for your friends to find you. The default behaviour however the same as it is now - both will only be shown to your friends. If you'd like to share them with everybody else go to your privacy settings and flip those switches!

There's also a new switch to control if people can find you by searching for a location. That's not currently a feature but you can already decide if you want to turn that on or not. If Meeple Party ever gets location search you will be easier to find that way, but you should have the power to control that.

We're going live!

This is what I consider the complete version of the Meeple Party MVP. That means going forward there will be some housekeeping stuff and then Meeple Party will be open to everyone! After that I will first focus on stability, quality and maintainability; mostly stuff happening in the background most of you will not notice. I learned most of the technologies I used by using them and did some ... not exactly optimal things. I know, people don't like to hear about optimizations (developers on the other hand often would like to do nothing else - we're kind of bad at doing actual work to be honest) but I assure you that this will make iterating Meeple Party and creating new features much easier and faster in the future.

Talking about new features, there's already some things lined up I'd like to do next (in no particular order):

  • Internationalization: Meeple Party will be available in English and German at first because that are the languages I know. I'll do my best to make it easy to contribute, so if you'd like to translate Meeple Party in to another language let me know! I will do my best to help you do so. You can find how to contact me below. Oh yeah, game names will be shown in your preferred language, so I don't have to guess what game Hoity Toity was now every time I read it (it's Adel Verpflichtet fellow German speakers!)
  • User lists: You will be able to sort your friends into lists to get all the information Meeple Party provides for just that group of people. You don't do game nights will all your friends every time after all. At least I don't.
  • User groups: Like user lists, but with invitations and everybody in the group has access to them.
  • Discoverability enhancements: I will try and make it easier to find your friends by providing a friends-of-my-friends list and user search. Of course, as I'd like to keep privacy a first class feature built into Meeple Party you will be able to control who can find you in what ways.

If you'd like to help shape Meeple Party hop over to the GitHub page and join the conversation. Or just unceremoniously build the things you'd like to see yourself if you have the means to do so. I'm currently also setting up a Discord server where you can have a quick chat with me or your fellow Meeplers. Are we doing this? "Meeplers"? Does that sound right? Anyway, the Discord server is fresh from the digital oven and currently pretty bland. I will change that in the next few weeks. You can also follow the project on Mastodon or just write me an e-mail the oldschool way.